What makes a good Dynamics AX Project Manager?

Project Manager for a Dynamics AX project

To be a Project Manager for a Dynamics AX project, a team leader needs to do more than just be a problem-solver and be resourceful. Other notable qualities vary from communication to management. In order to be a successful project manager, a team leader needs to be able to not only communicate to their team in an engaging manner, but if needed be calm and assertive as well. When challenges arise, project managers need to become flexible and adaptable in order to see a project out to the end.

Project managers have learned good communication skills and know how to handle a project well because of experience and what they have learned from certificates. By noting that project manager has taken the time and effort to complete certificates, it is clear that they have worked to fine-tune their skills. However, even with the right skills and certificates, a project manager may still find challenges along the way. Fortunately because of those past challenges, project managers have learned what to do and not to do for future projects. A manager can only improve their work when having faced failed implementations or difficulties. Not only can a project manager improve their own work, but they can teach their team how to identify and avoid challenges and become better team members as well.

Having experience as a project manager means having a solid knowledge about products as well. Not just a Dynamics AX project, but other product such as Oracle and SAP can help with future project implementation and especially if a manager has implemented those others themselves.

Source: The infographic was submitted and created by Cognitive group, a Dynamics AX IT recruitment agency specalizing in Microsoft Dynamics AX.